We provide the solution that will allow you to respond to your customers faster and easier.
We provide the solution that will allow you to respond to your customers faster and easier.
Chat response rate (CRR) is a metric that proves a seller’s chat status. Buyers always prefer to purchase products from a seller who gives them security. The higher chat response rate, the lower return and refund rates.
To develop customer loyalty. Attitude of a buyer to a seller must be positive. If you are a seller who can connect and provide immediacy to buyers as they expect, you will earn long-term customers and repeat purchases.
As long as your business provides an excellent customer experience, it builds trust and a great brand reputation that leads to powerful word of mouth. As a result, not only can you keep the existing buyers, but also you will definitely gain more of them!
Whenever the sellers have chat immediacy, the quick purchasing behavior is likely to happen.
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